© 2021 YD Creation
Amazon will distribute unlimited viewing of "Hideaki Anno+Hitoshi Matsumoto" from August 20 (Fri) on Amazon Prime Video (hereinafter, PRIME VIDEO). This time, along with the distribution decision on this program, he is in charge of the project, original, and script for "Shin Evangelion Theatrical Version", Hideaki Anno, who served as the general director, and the project and production of "Hitoshi Matsumoto Presents Documental, Freeze". The preview video that contains the conversation of Hitoshi Matsumoto and the key visual / scene photo have been lifted. Mr. Anno, who has been sending out the Evangelion series of science fiction animation super masterpieces and has been revolutionizing the Japanese anime world, and Matsumoto, who has been deducting the Japanese entertainment world as a comedy, film director, writer, and producer. 。 The first talk between Japan's top creators is a dream big project that could be realized only by Prime Video, which has exclusively distributed three works: "Shin Evangelion Theatrical Version", "Hitoshi Matsumoto Presents Documentation", and "Freeze". 。 "Shin Evangelion Theatrical Version" is a science fiction animation super masterpiece that records a cumulative box office income of 10.23 billion yen and causes social phenomena. Shinji, Ray, Asuka, and Mali are on board the Android Evangelion and search for each way of life. A magnificent worldview with a view to the regeneration of people and the world, detailed settings that have been created in detail, and the latest images that make full use of digital technology appear one after another, and the expression full of beautiful design, color, and emotional expression. Is enthusiastic all over Japan. The ultimate free "laughing variety" program "Hitoshi Matsuoto Presents Documental", an ultimate free "laughing variety" program by 10 comedians selected by producer Hitoshi Matsumoto. This series, which started in 2016, produces various dramas in each series, is currently updated the longest 9 seasons of Amazon Original, and is formatted in Mexico, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and other countries around the world. It is a big hit format program that expands and develops. In addition, Matsumoto's Amazon Original's "Hitoshi Matsumoto Presents Freeze" is a laugh that is an unprecedented laughter that participants who are active in various genres such as talent, model, athletes, and entertainers are "just endure". As a survival project, it has been distributed for two seasons, and Season 2 has won the highest award in the original digital entertainment program category of the Asian Television Awards in Asia. In this dream dialogue, Eva's fever, which captured all over Japan, was distributed at the time of being heated up from the theater to the distribution. The trailer, which has been lifted, shows the first moment of encounter between Anno and Matsumoto. Two people who cannot hide tension in each other because they are the first meeting. "What will happen ... what will happen?" Matsumoto is in danger of developing this project. Matsumoto laughed unintentionally to Anno, who turned back, saying, "Yeah ... I think it will be delayed soon." At the same time, the key visuals and scene photos, which were lifted, show the tension of Mr. Anno and Matsumoto, and the two people who showed a smile and smiled unintentionally. How hot and deep conversations do two people who don't usually meet? Even if you are not a fan, it is visual with the images that are exciting to expect. "Anno Hideaki+Hitoshi Matsumoto Dialogue" Trial Video:
20日(金)から配信される本編では、二人が幼少期に影響を受けたというウルトラマンや仮面ライダーなどのTV番組に関してや、『シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版』を鑑賞した松本氏の熱い感想、庵野氏の作品作りへのこだわり、そして松本氏がたどり着いたという、お笑いの“最後のピース”についてなど、この企画以外では絶対に聞くことのできない様々なトークが展開されます。対談を終えた二人は、初対面でこんなにも多く語り合ったことはなかったと話しながら、お互いに“似ているところがある”と感じ、最後は再会を誓い合いました。クリエイター同士の魂の会話。注目の対談を目撃できるのは、もう直ぐです。『庵野秀明+松本人志 対談』出演:庵野秀明、松本人志監督:品川ヒロシコピーライト:© 2021 YD Creation配信:2021年8月20日(金) よりAmazon Prime Videoにて見放題独占配信Prime VideoについてPrime Videoは、映画からドラマ、バラエティ、アニメなどのテレビ番組まで、豊富な作品をお客様にご提供しています。また、全ての作品を、数百もの対応デバイスでご覧いただけます。
Amazonプライムで暮らしをもっと快適に。「Amazonプライム」はお買い物やエンターテイメントなどの多様な特典を提供する会員制プログラムです。世界で2億人を超えるAmazonプライム会員の皆様に、さまざまな特典やサービスをお楽しみいただいています。4,900円(税込)の年会費または、500円(税込)の月会費でご登録いただけます。数千万点の対象アイテムに対して、お急ぎ便やお届け日時指定便などの迅速で便利な配送特典を追加料金なしで無制限に利用できる他、Prime Videoの会員特典対象コンテンツの視聴や、広告なしで200万曲が聴き放題のAmazon Music Prime、Prime Reading、Prime Gaming、プライム・ワードローブ、世界各国で開催されているプライムデーといったプライム会員限定セールなど増え続ける多様な特典をご利用いただけます。プライムの詳細と30日間の無料体験はwww.amazon.co.jp/prime から。AmazonについてAmazonは4つの理念を指針としています。お客様を起点にすること、創造への情熱、優れた運営へのこだわり、そして長期的な発想です。Amazonは、地球上で最もお客様を大切にする企業、地球上最高の雇用主、地球上で最も安全な職場になることを目指しています。カスタマーレビュー、1-Click注文、パーソナライズされたおすすめ商品機能、Amazonプライム、フルフィルメントby Amazon(FBA)、アマゾン ウェブ サービス(AWS)、Kindleダイレクト・パブリッシング、Kindle、Career Choice 、Fireタブレット、Fire TV、Amazon Echo、Alexa、Just Walk Out technology, Amazon Studios、気候変動対策に関する誓約(The Climate Pledge)などは、Amazonが先駆けて提供している商品やサービスです。