All knowledge of Hi-Ho Let's WiFi!Explanation from 6 benefits and 5 points of precautions | Getnavi Web Get Navi

Written By notebooktabletphone

If you are considering a Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi contract, you may be wondering if you can really choose this company in many mobile WiFi.

This time, I will explain the services that are suitable for you while explaining the benefits and points of the Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi.


It is such a person who can recommend Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi!

[People who recommend Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi]

One of the attractions is that Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi offers a large capacity plan of up to 217GB.

I will introduce it in detail, with comparison with other companies and the reputation of users.

Read while thinking about whether Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is the perfect mobile WiFi for you!

200GB of ultra-large capacity mobile WiFi "Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi"

No speed limit up to 7GB a day and to 210GB per month!

See in detail on the official website

* This article is information as of February 2022.


In conclusion, it is such a person who can recommend Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi!

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is a cloud SIM mobile WiFi provided by HI-HO, which is engaged in business such as Internet providers.

Cloud WiFi is the biggest point because it uses a smartphone carrier line, so it is wide and easy to connect in Japan.

Basically, you can use it anywhere where your mobile phone is connected!

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi offers a large capacity plan of up to 217GB.

Therefore, it is recommended for those who want a large capacity mobile WiFi as much as 200GB or more.

[People who recommend Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi]

If you apply to the above points, please read it because you will explain why you can recommend it.

Click here for the official website of Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is recommended for those who are looking for a large-capacity mobile WiFi of 200g or more a month.

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi offers a large-capacity plan of up to 217GB among cloud SIM mobile WiFi.

It is also a recommended point that it can be used at the lowest price among mobile WiFi, which can be contracted with 200GB of 200GB per month.

However, if you use it more than 7GB a day, you will need to be careful because a severe speed limit will be applied.

The communication speed after the restriction is up to 128kbps.It's too slow to see the website


Even if the mobile WiFi WiMAX, which uses your own line, was outside the correspondence area, we recommend Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi.

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is a mobile WiFi that uses a cloud SIM technology that uses the three major smartphone carrier lines.

Therefore, it is characterized by a wider area than WiMAX.

However, the speed of WiMAX has a faster and stable communication speed, so first check if WiMAX is a corresponding area, and if it is outside the corresponding area, consider the cloud SIM mobile WiFi.

Check out the WiMAX area here!I will introduce the recommended provider when WiMAX is in the area.

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is also recommended for those who are planning to use WiFi in a high frequency overseas.

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi can be used overseas using the same terminal.

Recommended for those who often go abroad or those who want to use the Internet freely overseas!

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi will explain the price when using it overseas.

5 benefits to apply for Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi

Let's explain in detail the six benefits of applying for Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi.

[Advantages to apply for Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi]

Later, I will introduce the precautions, so please check it together with the benefits!

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi provides a large-capacity plan that can be used up to 217GB per month.

Large -capacity plans can be used up to 7GB a day, so up to 217GB for 31 days will be used.

LINE通話音声通話の場合:約8,000時間 ビデオ通話の場合:約600時間

Up to 217GB "normal plan" is 4,730 yen per month, but Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is currently conducting a "demon cospa campaign" and can be used at 3,278 yen for 12 months!

The administrative fee of 3,300 yen that generates the first month of the contract in the demon cospa campaign will be free!

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is a must-check if you want to sign up for a large-capacity mobile WiFi with a large capacity of 200GB or more!

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi can be used up to 217GB per month from 3,278 yen per month.Moreover, there is no initial cost such as terminal price or administrative fee.As of February 2022, it is the lowest in mobile WiFi, which also provides 200GB plan per month.

Currently, let's compare the two companies that can contract with the 200GB plan and the charges paid during the contract period at HI-HO LET'S Wi-Fi.

The actual fee is to be converted to the monthly fee and the monthly fee during the contract period!

hi-ho Let’s Wi-Fi実質210GB2年4,033円1~11か月目:3,278円 12か月目~:4.730円0円0円

* All tax included

If you choose a large-capacity plan over 200GB at a low price, it is decided by HI-HO LET'S Wi-Fi!

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is free of charge for mobile WiFi terminals and U2S.

Furthermore, it is not necessary to return the terminal, so you can use it with confidence.

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi can be connected up to 5 devices at the same time, so even those who have multiple terminals will be able to use it without any problems.

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is a cloud SIM mobile WiFi that uses a smartphone carrier line.

For this reason, the corresponding area is wider than WiMAX, which provides services on its own WiMAX2+line or au 5G line, and the cloud SIM is better.

WiMAX radio waves are also vulnerable to obstacles, so it may be difficult to connect in the following places.

[A place where WiMAX is difficult to connect]

On the other hand, a cloud SIM mobile WiFi uses a smartphone carrier line, so it is basically a stable use in places where you can use a mobile phone.

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is available overseas.

Even overseas, you can use it as it is without troublesome operation by simply turning on the same procedure.

When using Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi overseas, the following charges will be charged separately from the monthly fee!

The usage fee of HI-HO LET'S Wi-Fi overseas is the number of days of use overseas x area charges.

【hi-ho Let’s Wi-Fiの海外エリア別利用料金一覧】
エリア1(970円/日)アジア・オセアニア中国、⾹港、インドネシア、韓国、マカオ、マレーシア、タイ、台湾、シンガポール ベトナム、ラオス、ネパール、フィリピン、カンボジア、モンゴル、ミャンマー、オーストラリア
ヨーロッパオーストリア、ベルギー、ブルガリア、チェコ共和国、ドイツ、デンマーク、スペイン フィンランド、フランス、イギリス、ギリシャ、イタリア、オランダ、ポルトガル、ロシア スロベニア、トルコ、リヒテンシュタイン、バチカン市国、モナコ、オーランド諸島 サンマリノ、キプロス、ハンガリー、ラトビア、ポーランド、スウェーデン、マルタ スロバキア、ウクライナ、エストニア、クロアチア、アイルランド、アイスランド リトアニア、ルクセンブルク、ルーマニア、セルビア、ノルウェー、ジブラルタル アルバニア、モンテネグロ、マケドニア、ガーンジー、ジャージー、マン島、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ
エリア2(1,670円/日)アジア・オセアニアバングラデシュ、カザフスタン、パキスタン、タジキスタン、スリランカ、ブルネイ インド、グアム、フィジー、ニュージーランド、北マリアナ諸島
中東アラブ⾸⻑国連邦、サウジアラビア、バーレーン、イスラエル、ヨルダン、カタール クウェート、オマーン
中米・南米アルゼンチン、ボリビア、チリ、コロンビア、エクアドル、ペルー、ウルグアイ、ベネズエラ ハイチ、パナマ/コスタリカ、グアテマラ、ニカラグア、エルサルバドル、プエルトリコ ドミニカ共和国、アンギラ、ガイアナ、イギリス領ヴァージン諸島、ケイマン諸島 キュラソー島、カイコス諸島、イギリス領グレナダ、グアドループ、ジャマイカ、マルティニーク タークス、フランス領サン・マルタン、トリニダード・トバゴ、アルバ セントビンセント・グレナディーン諸島スリナム 、 ブラジル、メキシコ
アフリカケニア、アンゴラ、アルジェリア、ガーナ、ザンビア、モーリシャス、ナイジェリア、チュニジア タンザニア、エジプト、モロッコ、⻄サハラ、南アフリカ、マダガスカル

* All tax -exempt

5 points to be aware of in Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi has many benefits such as providing large-capacity plans and overseas use, but there are also points to be aware of.


Next, I will explain in detail the five points to keep in mind in the above Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi.

Some people say that cloud SIMs are not speeding up compared to WiMAX.

Cloud SIM uses a smartphone carrier line, so the line tends to be crowded and slow at the time of many users.

If you have signed a mobile WiFi with a focus on speed, consider a WiMAX2+line and au 5G line that can be used at high speed.

With WiMAX, the best campaign and the lowest provider's Broad WiMAX is recommended!

However, the cloud SIM has a word of mouth that the speed is slower than WiMAX, but it is attractive to choose the most connected place among the three smartphone carriers.

With a cloud SIM, it may be possible to connect in the countryside that does not reach WiMAX.

There was a word of mouth that the speed of uploading was overwhelmingly higher in cloud SIMs than WiMAX.

If WiMAX is outside the corresponding area, consider a cloud SIM.

With Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi, if you use it more than 7GB a day, you will have a more difficult speed limit of 128 kbps.

The speed limit starts from the day after the daily usage exceeds.


Up to 128kbps is a level of communication speed that the Internet is useless.

hi-ho Let’s WiFiの全知識!本当におすすめできるか6つのメリットと5つの注意点から解説 | GetNavi web ゲットナビ

In 128kbps, Internet search is not easy to read, so if you have a speed limit, it will not be usable!

When using Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi, it is important to pay attention to the daily data usage.

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is one of the things that pay attention to the high penalty.

【hi-ho Let’s Wi-Fiの違約金一覧】
通常プラン0~11か月目:19,800円 12~23か月目:10,450円 25か月目以降:10,450円

* All prices include tax

Compared to other companies' mobile WiFi, the penalty for Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is more likely to be expensive.

hi-ho Let’s Wi-Fi最大19,800円
Ex Wi-Fi4,950円

* All prices include tax

In addition, the penalty for Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is free of charge.

There are many mobile WiFi that the penalty will be free if you use it for more than two years, but the penalty setting of Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is a bit harsh.

If you want to make the penalty of 0 yen, we recommend Chatwifi, which does not pay a penalty anytime without a contract period.

Since the capacity of Chatwifi is 200GB per month, the condition is the same as Hi-Ho Let's' Wi-Fi.

For Chatwifi, if you choose a mobile WiFi without a contract period with a large capacity (200GB), we will introduce it in detail in Chatwifi.

If you use Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi overseas, it is limited to 1GB per day.

The reset of the data usage is 9 am in Japan time.

Note that if you exceed the daily data amount, speed will be limited overseas.

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is 3 business days after the application of the terminal.

Mobile WiFi has many places that support the same day shipping, but it does not support Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi.

Apply for Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi as soon as possible with plenty of time!

Procedure from application to Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi to starting to use

This section describes the procedure from applying for HI-HO LET'S Wi-Fi to start of use.

The procedure from applying for HI-Ho Let's Wi-Fi to start use is easy in three steps.

[Procedure from application for Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi to start of use]

  1. hi-ho Let’s Wi-Fiの公式サイトから申し込みを行う
  2. 配達日を指定し、端末を受け取る
  3. 初期設定を行い利用開始

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is currently conducting a trial campaign.

This campaign receives two benefits, free of administrative fees and monthly discounts.

Be sure to check if the benefits are reflected on the confirmation screen at the time of application.

Click here for the official website of Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi

Introducing Professional WiFi other than Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi!

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is a mobile WiFi that can be recommended for those who communicate with a large capacity of 200GB or more, but for those who have enough data capacity or those who are looking for a mobile WiFi that emphasizes speed.Six companies are recommended.

[Professional Memobile WiFi]

Let's explain each mobile WiFi in detail!

If you want to choose a mobile WiFi with emphasis on communication speed, consider WiMAX.

WiMAX can be used with unlimited data volume, and the population coverage of the target area is 90 % or more, and the communication speed is stable.

Also, WiMAX is applied to the set discount with the UQMobile smartphone, so it will be even more advantageous depending on your smartphone carrier.

However, WiMAX can be applied from several providers, but monthly rates and campaigns vary depending on the contracted company, so let's apply at the cheapest real charge!

No matter which provider you choose, the line quality and terminals will not change, so the point is to choose WiMAX at a great deal!

By the way, be careful because WiMAX does not support the set depending on the provider!

Broad WiMAX3年4,307円1〜2ヶ月目:2,090円 3〜36ヶ月目:3,894円 37ヶ月目以降:4,708円0円5,000円
GMOとくとくBB WiMAX3年4,426円1〜24ヶ月目:4,158円 25ヶ月目以降:4,708円0円なし
UQ WiMAX2年4,671円1〜24ヶ月目:4,268円 25ヶ月目以降:4,818円21,780円15,000円
カシモWiMAX3年4,462円初月:1,408円 1ヶ月目以降:4,455円0円なし
BIGLOBE WiMAX1年4,827円1〜24ヶ月目:4,378円 25ヶ月目以降:4,928円21,912円15,000円

* All tax included ※2022年2月時点

In conclusion, if you have a contract without a contract period, WiFi is not tied up, and if you give priority to cheap price, Broad WiMAX is a great deal.

Let's check out the detailed features and campaigns later.

WiFi, which is not tied to those who want to use WiMAX in a short period of time, is recommended.

対応エリアWiMAXと同様 エリア確認

* All prices include tax ※2022年2月時点

The Broad WiMAX, which is described later, has a three -year contract period, but WiFi, which is not tied, does not pay a penalty at any time.

The monthly fee is a little higher, but if you use it in a short period of time, the cost will be cheaper than paying a penalty with a contract period.

However, be careful not to have a campaign such as a set discount or cashback with UQMOBILE!

Dialogue "Also, WiMAX provided by WiFi that is not bound is not compatible with 5G lines" Click here for details of wifi

Among WiMAX, Broad WiMAX is recommended for those who want to receive cheap and generous support.

【Broad WiMAXの概要】
対応エリアWiMAXと同様 エリア確認
セット割の対象キャリアUQ mobile
月額料金1〜2ヶ月目:2,090円 3〜36ヶ月目:3,894円 37ヶ月目以降:4,708円
キャンペーン・最新機種含む全端末無料キャンペーン ・違約金当社負担乗換えキャンペーン ・5,000円キャッシュバック

* All prices include tax ※2022年2月時点

BROAD WIMAX has a major discount campaign for monthly charges, and even with unlimited data unlimited giga plus, it is as low as 2,090 yen for the first two months.

Furthermore, six months after opening, you will get a cashback of 5,000 yen, so you can keep the real charge cheaper.

UQ Mobile users will be discounted up to 500 yen and a set discount with smartphones, so you can apply more!

In addition, BROAD WIMAX also has a penalty -bearing campaign up to up to 19,000 yen, so it is also recommended for those who are considering switching from other companies.

Click here for details of BROAD WIMAX

If you have a small capacity plan of 20GB to 50GB a month, MONSTER Mobile is recommended.

対応エリアドコモ・au・ソフトバンクの対応エリア ドコモのエリア確認 auのエリア確認 ソフトバンクのエリア確認
使用回線ドコモ au ソフトバンク
月額料金20GB:2,640円(縛りなし)/2,090円(縛りあり) 50GB:3,190円(縛りなし)/2,640円(縛りあり)
1年間の実質料金20GB:37,620円(縛りなし)/30,470円(縛りあり) 50GB:44,770円(縛りなし)/37,620円(縛りあり)
1年間の実質月額20GB:2,894円(縛りなし)/2,344円(縛りあり) 50GB:3,444円(縛りなし)/2,894円(縛りあり)
キャンペーン・NTTファイナンス タイアップキャンペーン

* All prices include tax ※2022年2月時点

MONSTER MOBILE offers a 20GB / 50GB plan per month.

The feature is that you can choose a price plan according to your own style!

It is also characterized by a contract period of one year, which is shorter than other companies.

In addition, you can also select a plan that does not have a contract period, so it is also recommended for those who are considering using it for less than a year.

Click here for the official website of MONSTER MOBILE

For those who do not need a large capacity of 200GB or more, such as Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi, but do some Internet, "Air-Wifi" is recommended.

対応エリアドコモ・au・ソフトバンクの対応エリア ドコモのエリア確認 auのエリア確認 ソフトバンクのエリア確認
使用回線ドコモ au ソフトバンク

* All prices include tax ※2022年2月時点

AIR-WiFi is a cloud SIM that can use the same 100GB per month as The WiFi, which is described in the following, but is characterized by the lack of a contract period.

There is no penalty anytime you cancel!

With no contract period of 100GB per month, Mobile WiFi is the cheapest, so if the usage period is short or unknown, Air-Wifi is recommended.

In addition, since a 30 -day trial campaign is held, if you are not satisfied with the speed or usability, you can cancel the contract for free.

Click here for details of Air Wifi


"The WiFi" is recommended for those who do not have any problems even if there is a contract period with a 100GB mobile WiFi per month.

【THE WiFiの概要】
対応エリアドコモ・au・ソフトバンクの対応エリア ドコモのエリア確認 auのエリア確認 ソフトバンクのエリア確認
使用回線ドコモ au ソフトバンク
キャンペーン・4ヶ月間月額料金0円 ・事務手数料割引 ・30日間お試しキャンペーン

* All prices include tax ※2022年2月時点

The WiFi is a cloud SIM mobile WiFi that can be used with plenty of speed limit up to 100GB per month.

If you have 100GB, you can enjoy the standard image quality video viewing for about 400 hours a month, and for one day for more than 10 hours!

THE WiFi automatically applies a campaign where the monthly fee for the first four months is free and the campaign with a 1,100 yen discount on the administrative fee, and can be used at the 100GB Mobile WiFi at the lowest.

We are also conducting a campaign that can be used for 30 days, so if you want to try it out, please check it out.

Click here for details of The Wifi

If you use a 200GB large -capacity plan without a contract period, check Chat WiFi.

【Chat WiFiの概要】
対応エリアドコモ・au・ソフトバンクの対応エリア ドコモのエリア確認 auのエリア確認 ソフトバンクのエリア確認
使用回線ドコモ au ソフトバンク

* All prices include tax ※2022年2月時点

If you want to cancel Hi-Ho Lets's Wi-Fi, you need a penalty, but Chatwifi has no contract period.

If you cancel, the penalty is 0 yen, so you can make a contract more easily.

If you need a large capacity but don't intend to contract WiFi for a long time, choose Chatwifi without hesitation.

Click here for Chat WiFi's official website

Frequently Asked Questions related to Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi

Finally, let's introduce frequently asked questions and answers related to Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi.

[Frequently Asked Questions of Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi]

It is also a review of the article, so please refer to those who have decided to make a contract for Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi!

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is a recommended mobile WiFi for such people.

[People who recommend Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi]

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi offers campaigns such as monthly fees and free administrative fees, and can be contracted at the cheapest 200GB Mobile WiFi.

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is a mobile WiFi that uses cloud SIM technology, so it is one of the advantages that it can be used in a large area throughout Japan.

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi can be recommended for those who want to contract a large-capacity plan cheaply, but if you want to choose a mobile WiFi with a small amount of data capacity or focus on speed, check the following six companies. Let's try.

[Professional Memobile WiFi]

Mobile WiFi is the point of a great deal to choose with the data capacity required in one month!

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi payment is only credit card payment.

If you do not have a credit card or want to sign a contract with an account transfer, consider the BROAD WiMAX that supports the account number in the WiMAX provider.

Click here for details of BROAD WIMAX

You can cancel Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi by phone to the Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi Information Desk.

Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi can be canceled during the month by 18:00 pm on the 20th, but be aware that if the 21st will be canceled at the end of the following month.

In addition, Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi will incur a penalty for cancellation other than the renewal month.

【hi-ho Let’s Wi-Fiの違約金一覧】
通常プラン0~11か月目:19,800円 12~23か月目:10,450円 25か月目以降:10,450円

* All prices include tax

If you want to keep extra expenses, cancel in the renewal month.

Inquiries to Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi are accepted at the Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi Information Desk.

[Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi Information Desk]

TEL: 0120-858140 Mobile phone: 0570-064800 Reception hours 9:00 am to 18:00 pm (both on weekdays and weekends and holidays)


This time, I explained in detail about the five benefits and five precautions of Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi.


Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi is recommended for those who are looking for a large-capacity mobile WiFi because up to 217GB of data communication can be used cheaply a month.

In addition, because it is a cloud SIM that uses a smartphone carrier line, it may be available for people outside the WiMAX area or those who are difficult to connect.

Because it can be used overseas, even those who want to use mobile WiFi in Japan and overseas should consider Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi!

However, it is important to note that Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi has a strict speed limit when it exceeds 7GB a day, and there is a word of mouth that cloud SIMs are not at speed compared to WiMAX.

Please fully understand the benefits and precautions of Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi, and consider it a mobile WiFi that suits you.

Click here for the official website of Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi
