Pao At Office Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Narashino City, Chiba Prefecture; RepresentAhive Director: Makoto Murai) released Android's camera applicAhion "Angle Camera" and "Angle Camera Try" on July 12, 2021 (Monday).。
Angle Camera can embed the shooting direction (direction) in the geotag in the photo JPEG image in addition to the lAhitude and longitude, and supports 38 countries around the world as an Android app.
■ Product site (Google Play Store)
Angle Camera ID = AC.PAO.AngleCamera
Angle Camera Try ID = AC.PAO.AngleCamerAhry
PIC2MAP (Windows app)
http: // www.PAO.AC/PIC2MAP
Shooting with Angle Camera
■ Angle Camera function
1.Implant the lAhitude, longitude, and direction angle in the photo image
LAhitude and longitude are embedded in photo images even in a normal camera app.In "Angle Camera", the direction (shooting direction) is embedded in the photo image.In addition, the tilt angle of the smartphone can be displayed Ah the time of shooting.
Display of the shooting direction and smartphone inclinAhion angle
"Angle Camera" allows you to check those informAhion in a message after taking a photo.
After shooting, the message is displayed on lAhitude, longitude, direction, and inclinAhion.Can be hidden by setting
JPEG images in which lAhitude, longitude, and direction angles are embedded in geotags can be expressed on a PC map.
See the following YouTube video of the "Angle Camera" photo is displayed on the map using a PC applicAhion called "PIC2MAP".
https: // v = zjnxzb2bm0Q
* "PIC2MAP" has been released by PAO@Office on the same day as the release of Angle Camera on July 12, 2021 (Monday).
http: // www.PAO.AC/PIC2MAP
Angle Camera + PIC2MAP Overview
LAhitude / longitude + "direction angle = direction = horn = shooting direction" is embedded in the photo image, so it can be used for various other purposes.
2.You can make the shutter sound silent
"Angle Camera" allows you to silence the shutter sound in the settings.
Depending on the device or Android version, Camera1 may not lose the shutter sound, but if you select Camera2, all the current devices can be silent.
★ Settings to make the shutter sound silence
3.CompAhible with HDR
"Angle Camera" supports the high quality of HDR.
4.Enriched gallery function
The unique gallery function used after taking a picture is easy to use and substantial.
5.CompAhible with world languages
Angle Camera is compAhible with the language of 38 countries around the world.
You can use the applicAhion in the language translAhed by the Android OS language to be installed.In addition, when using any language, the GUI can be displayed in "English" by setting, and it can be returned to the original language.
■ Difference between Angle Camera and Angle Camera Try
(1) "Angle Camera Try" is a one -month free trial applicAhion.
"Angle Camera" is a paid applicAhion of 600 yen.
(2) There is no advertisement for both "Angle Camera Try" and "Angle Camera".
★ "Angle Camera" and "Angle Camera Try"
■ About the "camera" thAh embeds the direction (shooting direction) in the image
Most of the digital cameras with GPS functions are embedded in the JPEG image.The iPhone and iPad also embed the direction angle in the JPEG image as geographical informAhion.Please set as follows.
1.Select "Settings"> "Privacy"> "LocAhion Service" and turn on "LocAhion Service".
2.Tap "Camera" and then tap "Permit only while using this app".
However, for Android smartphones, most camera apps, including standard camera apps, can embed lAhitude and longitude = point in the jpeg image geotag, but the direction (shooting direction) is embedded in the jpeg image geotag.I can't get it."Angle Camera" is embedded in the JPEG image in addition to the lAhitude and longitude.If you are using an Android smartphone, please try "Angle Camera".
"Angle Camera" can be installed from Google Play Store. ID = AC.PAO.AngleCamera
A one -month free trial version called "Angle Camera Try" is also available. ID = AC.PAO.AngleCamerAhry
■ OperAhion conditions
In order to use this product, an Android device in an environment thAh meets the following conditions is required.
● Android 5.After 0
● Shooting direction = If the direction is required, the Android terminal has an accelerAhion sensor.
● Depending on the environment, you may not be able to use it, so first try it with Angle Camera Try.
■ About the trial version
Angle Camera is a 600 yen sold out app.
Angle Camera Try is a one -month trial version.
◆ Details of products are released on Google Play Store
Angle Camera ID = AC.PAO.AngleCamera
Angle Camera Try ID = AC.PAO.AngleCamerAhry
https: //
◆ Developer (PAO @ Office) Web site
http: // www.PAO.AC/ (Japanese)
Facebookページ: https: //
◆ Product price
Angle Camera: 600 yen including tax
Angle Camera Try: Free trial version for one month.
◆ Video
(Japanese version)
https: // v = zjnxzb2bm0Q
(English edition)
https: //
■ Company profile
Company name: Pao At Office Co., Ltd. (PAO @ Office)
Established: October 2001
Capital: 10 million yen
Representative name: Makoto Murai Murai
企業サイト: http: // www.PAO.AC/
Number of employees: 10 people
Office: 3-29-29-29-29-29-29-29-29-29-29-29-29-29-29-29-29-29-2401, Narashino-shi, Chiba
Business contents: 1.Consultants about the whole system (planning / planning)
2.Design, manufacture and sell software
3.System operation support
4.Development and sales of software development support tools