The Asahi Broadcasting Group Group Holdings is Silver Link, which is working on animation production such as "Nonnonbiyori" and "Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma ☆ Ilya"..Concluded a share transfer contract to acquire management rights.We will work together as part of the enhancement of the anime business and aim to make the production function in -house.
Silver Link."The grandchild of the wise man" "I don't want to hurt, so I want to make a paradise, so I want to make a paradise from the production committee composed of KADOKAWA and ABC animations, and also sell my own original goods.There is.In addition, before the completion of the transfer of shares associated with the share transfer agreement with the Asahi Broadcasting Group HD, a new company (a new silver link) will be established by dividing a new animation production business.
The Asahi Broadcasting Group HD aims to become a "comprehensive content business group" by "holding content with powerful IP and monetizing the content by using the content" in the medium -term management plan.The acquisition of shares and a subsidiary have contributed to the strengthening of the anime business, one of the core businesses, and at the same time, has concluded that both sides will increase the corporate value, and have concluded the share transfer agreement.