"Secured-Core PC", which has realized "the strongest safety in Windows history" while the box is opened

Written By notebooktabletphone

 Did you know that Microsoft is working with a PC manufacturer and provides a high security PC?However, SecURED-Core PC advocates "the safest Windows PC in history" and has a function that can protect from the latest attacks that aim for UEFI (BIOS), so it is like choosing a PC to be used in business.By all means, it is a product to be added to one of the options.

箱を開けた状態で“Windows史上最強の安全性”が実現されている「Secured-Core PC」をじっくり解説

 In addition, SecURED-Core PC is equipped with an OS image that enables the settings required to achieve high levels of security, and from the moment you buy it and get out of the box, "The safest Windows PC in history.There is an advantage that even small and medium -sized enterprises without IT representatives have not been assigned.

 In this article, we will explain how this Secured-Core PC has realized high-level security.Also, at the end of the article, there is also a list of SecURED-CORE PCs handling companies, so users who want to consider introduction should refer to them and make inquiries.

  1. ユーザーやシステム管理者の頭を悩ませる「UEFI攻撃」とは
  2. UEFI攻撃から身を守るための最新技術
  3. 難しいセキュリティ設定や対応ハードウェアの選定などを考える必要がない「Secured-Core PC」
  4. Secured-Core PCはグローバルメーカーだけでなく、国内メーカーからもラインナップ