Does it affect the world?Bill to impose fines on easy default passwords such as "password" by the British government

Written By notebooktabletphone

Yajiuma Watch

世界中に影響も? 英政府が「password」など安易なデフォルトパスワードに罰金を課す法案

It has been revealed that the British government has submitted a bill that includes imposing fines on default passwords such as "password" for smartphones, TVs, IoT devices, etc.

This prohibits device manufacturers from easily guessing default passwords such as "password" and "admin", and requires them to restore their unique passwords even when resetting to factory defaults. Fines can be as high as £ 10 million or 4% of the company's total revenue, and up to £ 20,000 a day for ongoing violations. The point is that this bill will also be applied when selling overseas devices in the same country, and it is expected that devices targeting worldwide will have to comply. If this law comes into effect, it is likely that not only updates of current devices but also unsold devices will be discontinued one after another. By the way, in a press release, the government self-proclaims the bill as "a world-leading law."