Pokemon GO "Tokihashi Hoopa" will be announced.Research has not been achieved for a fee

Written By notebooktabletphone

Pokemon GO has announced the "Hoopa Liberation Event".

As a finale of the "mischievous season" that lasts for three months, "Time Happa Hoopa" will appear for the first time through the special research "Leave the Hoopa!"

Furthermore, for the four days from November 26 to 29, a special legendary raid hour and spotlight hour will be held daily.

Pokemon GO Fooper Liberation Event Outline (November 2021)

Date and time

・ November 26, 2021 (Fri) 10:00 to 29th (Monday) 20:00


・ Double the candy when sending a Pokemon to the doctor

・ 2 times XP when capturing Pokemon

・ Special research "Solve Hoopa!"Only players who have completed "Understand the mischief Pokemon!" By 9:59 on Wednesday, December 1st is free.If not achieved, 4.Tickets are also possible for $ 99.

・ Held daily raid hour / spot light hour

Season Finale Limited Special Research "Solve Hoopa!"I will distribute it.


"Understand mischief Pokemon" is 16 levels.Unlike Time Challenge, special research will be proceeded later even if it does not end within the event period, but for "Understand mischief Pokemon!"Unless it is completed by 59 minutes, you will not be able to receive free distribution of "Leave the Hoopa!"

If you are not proceeding, such as capturing 30 specific types, difficult tasks are lined up, but in the spotlight hour from 12:00 on November 27 to 13:00, many "ghost / Aku" type of yamirami appear.

If you are not likely to be able to clear by the deadline, you can play "Leave Hoopa!" By purchasing a paid ticket directly.

Raid hour (18:00 to 19:00)

November 26: Freezer Thunder Fire

November 27: Hidrun

November 28: Cage Lock, Regiic Ice, Registyl

November 29: Cobalon Terakion Vilzion

Spotlight hour (12:00 to 13:00)

November 26: Colatta

November 27: Yamirami

November 28: Pikachu

November 29: Dumbal

The avatar item "Time -Rare Hoopa" shirt can be obtained as a reward for "release a hooper!"After the event, it will arrive at the store.

The season is over at the Hoopa Liberation Event!-Pokémon Go
