Explains the identity and usage of IE mode, 5 questions of "removal IE" -The approach to approach, what to do "removal IE": Nikkei Crostek Active

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 As the support of Internet Explorer (IE) is approaching, how should the user company proceed with "removal IE"?Is there actually a way to keep using IE?How do I use Edge's "IE mode"?Answer the questions that user companies are interested in.

 The Windows 11, which will be released by Microsoft on October 5, 2021 (US time), will not have IE.Instead, the Edge of the web browser equipped with Windows 11 is equipped with an "IE mode" that allows you to view the web page using the IE rendering engine.

 Edge's IE mode is a function for users who want to use IE functions in Windows 11.Microsoft has announced plans to support IE mode until 2029.It will also be announced by 2028 whether it will continue to support the IE mode after 2029.

 Microsoft will end the IE support on Windows 10 on June 15, 2022 (US time).If you apply the OS quality update program distributed after June 2022, Windows 10 will not be able to start the IE itself.Akiko Inoue, who belongs to the Otsuka Shokai's Technical Solution Center Cloud Group Infrastructure Division, explains, "IE will not be uninstalled by the update, but will be redirected to Edge."User companies need to complete "removal IE" by then.

 However, if you pay an additional cost to Microsoft, you can continue to use IE as before.In fact, the end on June 15, 2022 is the IE support for "Normal Windows 10".The long -term support version of Microsoft for companies, "Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC", "Windows 10 IoT LTSC", and the server OS "Windows 10 Server" will continue to support IE.The use of the server OS desktop is not realistic, so it's one way to buy a long -term support version of Windows 10.

IEモードの正体や使い方を解説、「脱IE」5個の疑問 - 迫るサポート終了、どうする「脱IE」:日経クロステック Active

 Windows 8.In 1, IE support continues.Windows 8.1 will end on January 10, 2023, so Windows 8.Until then, IE can be used in 1.

 There is also a "trick" that uses IE on Windows 7, which has already been supported as of January 14, 2020.Microsoft offers a "ESU Update (ESU) program" for Windows 7 for a fee.If you purchase ESU, which provides security updates for Windows 7, you can use IE on Windows 7 for the end of the ESU support scheduled for January 2023.

 Edge IE mode is a function that displays web pages that cannot be used only in IE in Edge.Use the IE rendering engine "Trident MSHTML Engine" to display a web page that depends on the IE -dependent.

 In fact, the entity of Edge's IE mode is IE itself.If you use IE mode in Edge, "IEXPLORE" is an executable file of IE in Windows [Task Manager]..It is evidence that "EXE" is displayed when it is running.


 Even after IE support, Windows 10 has "IEXPLORE.The execution file of "EXE" remains.User "IEXPLORE" on Windows screen.Even if you double -click EXE ", only Edge starts instead, but from the Edge IE mode," IXPLORE."EXE" is started.Since the IE mode is IE itself, the compatibility is very high.IE plug -in "ActiveX control" is also available in IE mode.

 There are roughly divided methods for using IE mode, "How to switch to IE mode each time" and "How to centrally manage sites that open in IE mode using a group policy".There are other "How to edit the Windows registry", but not here.

 To use IE mode in Edge, first enable IE mode.Click […] at the top right of the edge screen, select [Set] from the menu displayed there, and open the Edge setting screen.Then, select [Default Browser] from the menu on the left side of the setting screen, and select in the order of [Internet Explorer compatibility] - [Internet Explorer mode] - [Permit].


 When IE mode is enabled, [Read again in Internet Explorer mode] is added to the menu displayed by click [...].Open the URL you want to view with Edge, and select [Road again in Internet Explorer mode], and Edge becomes IE mode, and the web page is displayed by the IE rendering engine Trident.When the web page is open in IE mode, the IE icon is displayed on the address bar, so you can see that it is using IE mode.


 If you click the IE icon displayed in the address bar and enable [Open this page in Internet Explorer mode], the page will be opened in IE mode for 30 days.The list of pages set to open in IE mode can be found in [Settings] - [Default Browser] - [Internet Explorer mode page].

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