I want to make the smartphone fee cheaper for 1 yen!Ask "smartphone manager" about the correct choice (Bizspa! Fresh) --Yahoo! News

Written By notebooktabletphone



Bizspa! Fresh

 "Cheap smartphone" that can reduce monthly smartphone charges cheaply.In recent years, the variety has increased, and should I use a cheap smartphone?Which career is right?I guess there are many people who are worried.This time, "Smartphone Manager", who has been engaged in mobile phones and optical lines for about 19 years and has sent about smartphones and online lines on his own YouTube channel, has an unexpected pitfall and smartphone fee from how to select a cheap smartphone.I asked in detail the back tricks to keep it cheaper.

スマホ料金を1円でも安くしたい!正しい選び方を「Smartphone manager」に聞く(bizSPA!フレッシュ) - Yahoo!ニュース

Decisive difference between major carriers and cheap smartphones

――First of all, what is the difference between a major carrier and a cheap smartphone in the first place? Smartphone Manager: The biggest is the extent of support. For example, if the terminal is broken, if you are a major carrier, you can rent out alternative models and repair it quickly. On the other hand, in the case of a cheap smartphone, there are many places where repairs are provided, but alternative models are not rented, and in that case, there is a period when there is no smartphone at hand. ――Is there any difference between a major carrier and a cheap smartphone besides the support side? Smartphone Manager: To be honest, there is almost no other difference. To put it in detail, for example, there is no such thing as if there is no answering machine service or a carrier payment such as game applications, but that may be the case. But nobody will consider the answering phone service so much. Regarding carrier payments, other methods such as credit card payment can be used, so I think that there is no problem unless there is a particularly strong commitment.

Select by "fee", "support", "speed" and "area"

Smartphone manager

――近年では格安スマホの種類も増え、どれを選んだらいいのかわからないという人も多いと思います。格安スマホの選び方のコツはありますか?Smartphone manager:ご自身が動画を見る時間が多いのか、通話時間が多いのかなど、スマホの使い方に合わせてプランを決めていくのが良いと思います。特に重視するべき点は「料金」「対応エリア」「速度」「サポートの充実度」の4つですね。――なるほど。料金を重視したい場合はどのキャリアがおすすめですか?Smartphone manager:「とにかく1円でも安くしたい」という場合は、格安スマホの中でも特に安い「povo」「LINEMO」「ahamo」「楽天モバイル」などがおすすめです。でも、楽天モバイル以外では実店舗がないので、 万が一、故障してしまった場合のサポート対応が遅くなる可能性があります。電話での対応も現在はなく、サポートは基本的にチャットでのやりとりになるのがデメリットかもしれませんね。


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