India develops the "3rd OS" instead of iOS and Android, or the history of Windows Phone and Firefox OS again

Written By notebooktabletphone
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A new challenger may appear on Windows Phone, Firefox OS, Symbian OS, BlackBerry, Tizen, etc.Details are as below.According to an overseas media report, the Minister of India's Radivor -Chandrase Carl Skal Skal Development and Entrepreneur Promotion has set a policy to create a "India -specific mobile OS".This was dominated by the mobile market by Google Android and Apple's iOS.The Minister of Chandrachal is looking for a startup and industry -academia -cooperating mechanism to develop a new OS, and if it goes well, it will be an attempt to realize its own OS in India, which has many excellent IT engineers.Until now, the number of users has been behind the scenes that the third OS continued to spread.However, India, which has a population of 1.38 billion comparable to China, may be able to build an ecosystem by combining it with a low -priced smartphone.

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iOSやAndroidに代わる「第3のOS」をインドが独自開発か、Windows PhoneやFirefox OSの歴史再び