5G that started in the spring of 2020 in Japan.Although high -speed large capacity and low delay are featured, on the other hand, the start of commercial services in the United States and South Korea in global, and some say that "Japan was delayed at 5G."
Did you know that 20 months from the start of such 5G service, 5g is actually "Japan's first world"?That is, "5g of millimeters has begun in all mobile phone operators."
GSMA, an international organization composed of mobile phone operators around the world, has announced the 5G MMwave Accelerator Initiative, which will promote millimeter waves and raise awareness.
GSMA, "5g MMwave Accelerator Initiative", and DOCOMO participation, etc.
What kind of experience and value will the "5G millimeter wave", which are trying to show Japan at the forefront and now spread out in the world, bring us to us?
At Quarcom, we asked Vice President Philippe Poggianti, a leader in the development of millet -wave business, about the world's trends surrounding millimeters.The listener is the editor -in -chief of Sekiguchi of this magazine "mobile phone Watch".
フィリップ・ポジアンティ氏。クアルコム 事業開発部門のバイスプレジデント。通信業界で25年以上に渡り、ワイヤレス事業の製品管理、営業、事業開発などを担当。そのうち6年間は日本を含むアジアを拠点としていた。