Nobuyuki Hayashi, IT journalist Nobuyuki Hayashi, considers the evolution of technology that supports people with disabilities and the humanity that becomes cyborg.

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As mentioned in the previous article, one of the most impressive lectures in my life is a keynote speech on a Mac World Expo by Dr. Steven Hawking, a space physicist in 1994.


He predicted in the lecture that "human mankind will eventually overcome the disease by gene manipulation to save people who have become ill due to genetically factors."However, on the other hand, "If the technology of genetic manipulation progresses, the initial purpose of illness prevention will be in the direction of creating a gene that is superior to others, for example, a gene that can live longer.I didn't forget to ring the alarm bell.

Doctor named this "self -design evolution", but in recent years of technology evolution, I am just physically, not only in the doctor's genetic manipulation, but also in mechanization of the body, or the fusion of body and machinery.I think that the body remodeling will also accelerate.

Unfortunately, there is a large number of books, "Independence Day," published by Apple in 1990, which was now out of print.The subtitle is the theme of "Designing Computer Solution for Individual with Disability", that is, "Design of Computer Solutions for people with disabilities."