A welfare system that "guarantees the minimum and cultural minimum life of the people".Recipients are increasing year by year due to aging.On the other hand, the "poverty business", which does not end the fraudulent receipt and eats the subject, is also a problem.Last month, a woman died because a woman was assaulted by a staff member at a free and flat -rate accommodation in Ichikawa City, operated by NPO.The discrimination and prejudice to the recipients, such as making and wearing a jumper that prints words that look down on the recipients, are strongly discriminatory and prejudiced to the recipients.We interviewed recipients, administrative staff, and academic experts, and explored the current situation and problems over welfare.
"I don't want to receive welfare, but I can't help it because I have no money."He spent half of his life in prison and moved his job after being released, but did not last long.
An old wooden tenement house where welfare recipients gather.The room is organized and organized.There are no wasted furniture, but owns smartphones and TVs.It is a clean impression with short hair cut on sportswear.
Born in western Chiba prefecture.After graduating from junior high school, he got a job at a contractor as an apprentice of a wooden carpenter.At the age of 18, he jumped out of the store and dyed crimes such as theft of the car.He repeatedly made a source and admission, spending more than 30 years in prison.
The last source was when I was 58 years old.He was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for robbery and stimulants.After the source, he goes to Hadano City, Kanagawa Prefecture.He gained the job of dismantling in prison, but quit in about six months due to his physical strength and human relationships.In the spring of 2010, he applied for welfare with the city and was approved.At the time of his application, his money was about 100,000 yen in his socks.
At the same time, he got a cleaning job at a pig farm, but retired in two months.In the fall of the same year, she moved to Chiba City and moved into an apartment house where welfare guardians gathered and applied for welfare.She repeatedly relocated due to the poor hygiene environment of apartments, and now lives alone in a single -story rented house with a toilet bath of about 32,000 yen.He is the youngest of five siblings, but his parents have already passed away and contacted his relatives.
The current amount is 100,000 yen per month.Half of rent, utility bills, and mobile phones have disappeared, saying that life is painful.Purchase ingredients at cheap supermarkets and cook yourself.I do not drink alcohol.Travel is a used electric bicycle of 20,000 yen.There is no air conditioner in the room.Wake up at 2 am.Clean the room, watch TV, rent a movie DVD in the library.After returning home, we had dinner at 5 pm.Going to bed."It's not enough to receive every month. I can't save money."
"I want to work because I don't have enough, but I live in prison for a long time and can't do office work. There's a rattling on my legs and my legs, and the work of the field is severe."It seems stupid because it is reduced. "I have been told by a pensioner that "welfare is better."
Many sins have been repeated."I thought it would end if I did bad things, but I wouldn't do anything wrong."The death of her mother was in the prison in the eyes of her eyes and she couldn't attend her, and she said, "Once her mother would be in trouble if she had trouble, she would be in trouble.""
。 A system that guarantees the “healthy and cultural minimum life” prescribed in Article 25 of the Welfare Protection Constitution and helps independence. Payment conditions are that there is no savings and savings and real estate that can be turned on living expenses. There are "living assistance", which is used for food expenses and utility bills, and "medical assistance", which pays for full -time medical expenses. Welfare costs continue to increase, and the initial budget of this year is about 38 trillion yen. The protection rate, which indicates the proportion of the number of recipients in the population, was the minimum in 1995, the minimum 0.7 %, but continued to increase, 1.70 % in FY2014. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the recipients were 2,144,759 nationwide as of October 2016. Among the households receiving households, the number of elderly people over the age of 65 was 826,656 in March of the same year, the highest in the household, for the first time.