This product is as if the isolation keyboard used in the current ThinkPad series was independent.The company has a lineup of Bluetooth models in addition to USB connection models, but this product supports two unique connection methods, Bluetooth and 2.4GHz band.
The keyboard is the same six -stage type as the ThinkPad body, and I purchased a Japanese JIS arrangement model.The number of keys is 89, the key pitch is 19.05mm in both vertical and horizontal, and the key stroke is 1.8 mm, which has a sufficient value.The weight is 516g and a 10 -inch class tablet, and is more intense than it looks.
The "ThinkPad Bluetooth Wireless Track Point Keyboard", which is the predecessor of this product, did not have four at the top function key columns, but this product (ESC key +) f1 ~ f4, f5 ~ f8, F9 to F12 is grouped.The key is slightly vacant from the next group, making it easier to distinguish the keys.
ThinkPadのキーボードだけを独立させたかのような構造。公称サイズは305.5×164×13.7mm(幅×奥行き×高さ)。重量は516gテンキーは非搭載。またThinkPadでは下段に配置されているトラックパッドも非搭載だスタンドを使って角度をつけた状態。後述するようにスタンドはあまり強度がないので注意スタンドをたたんでフラットに近い角度で使うこともできるアイソレーションキーを採用。ストロークの深さはThinkPad本体のキーボードと同等だF4とF5、およびF8とF11の間に区切りが設けられており、ファンクションキーを押すときのミスタイプが減るよう工夫されているThinkPad本体で言うと、ThinkPad X1 Carbon(2019)(右)と同じ世代の製品ということになる写真を半透明化してThinkPad X1 Carbon(2019)と重ねてみた。キートップの表記こそ一部異なるものの、配列はまったく同じだPgUp/Dnキーが上キーの左右にあること、またPrtScキーが下段にあるのは、ThinkPadのキーボードに慣れていないユーザーにとっては、ややなじみにくいこともありそうだThe center is equipped with a trackpoint, a familiar "red potch", which is familiar with ThinkPad, so you can operate the mouse pointer using your index finger while placing your finger on the home position of the keyboard.Many people can use it more intuitively than a general touchpad.
In front of the keyboard, there is a button equivalent to the left and right buttons of the mouse, and in the meantime, there is a central button that can be scrolled by moving the track point up and down while pressing.As a result, all operations can be performed, such as moving mouse pointer, left and right clicks, and even upper and lower scrolling with fingers on the home position of the keyboard.
By the way, if you install a dedicated driver, you can adjust the movement speed of the pointer by trackpoint, and you will be able to assign operations such as starting the application, jumping to the designated URL, and text input to the specified URL.It's a little hidden function.
However, since it does not support the registration of the shortcut key, it cannot be used to use the PRTSC key at the bottom and use it, and even if it is assigned, there is only one F12 key, so the degree of freedom is so high.Not.You should think about it as a bonus.
ThinkPadの特徴であるトラックポイントを搭載。軽い力でマウスポインタを操れるキーボード手前に左右ボタンを搭載。従来モデルよりもフラットになりやや扱いづらくなった(後述)Windows用の専用ユーティリティをインストールするとポインタ速度の変更およびF12キーへの独自機能の割当が行なえるF12キーは独自機能の割当が行なえる。ちなみに前述のThinkPad X1 Carbon(2019)などにも同じ機能がある