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When considering the product, it is 18-34 years old, "Amazon" is 46%, and "Rakuten Ichiba" is 52%for 35 years or older.

Written By notebooktabletphone

Services used when considering products


Within 3 months, the percentage of purchases of "brands to buy for the first time" are purchased

Where to recognize the products purchased within 3 months, the place where you considered

ニールセン デジタルは1月27日、「ニールセン オンラインショッピングレポート2021(Nielsen Online Shopping Report 2021)」のデータから、2021年の日本におけるEC利用動向を発表した。18-34歳がServices used when considering productsのトップはAmazonで46%、Google検索が39%で続いた。だが、35歳以上では楽天市場が最多の52%を獲得。Amazonは48%だった。18-34歳では30%が商品の購入を検討する際にTwitterやYouTubeを活用しているのに対し、35歳以上では検索エンジンやオンラインショップを活用する傾向にあるとしている。米国の消費財(CPG)市場では、Nielsen Commspointによると、実店舗で「過去に購入したことのないブランド」を購入する割合はわずか4.It was 3%, but online 12.It was about 3 times as 1%.Similarly, the Japanese market tended to buy brands that have never been purchased online.For those who have purchased cosmetics at actual stores, 13 % of those who have never bought a brand in the past have bought a brand that has never been purchased in the past.Even in the case of daily necessities, online purchases are more than 19%compared to 7%of actual stores.Especially when purchasing cosmetics for young people, it is highly likely that you will buy new brands online, and about twice the number of new brands compared to actual stores.Not only is the purchase location shifting online, but online is an important source of information in actual stores.For example, in cosmetics, if you purchase a product in a real store, 36%of people who have recognized the product in the actual store, while 34%of the same levels are online.Even at the study stage, around 10 % of those who purchased cosmetics and daily necessities at real stores use online services such as search services and online shops.Depending on the target attribute and product category, the information required when considering the purchase of the product is different, but in some cases, instead of actually picking up the product at the store and checking the feeling of use of the product, there are cases where it is replaced online.be.The "Nielsen Online SHOPPING Report 2021" has an online shopping used by many Internet users for each product category, "Is it expanding online in the future?"A report that summarizes the role of such a role.The survey was conducted in December 2021.A survey was conducted on about 6,000 men and women aged 18 and over, who use the Internet more than once a month.