The dot picture of "zombies x creatures" drawn by 8 years old is expensive trading
The picture of a certain 8 -year -old boy has been traded at a very high price and has become a hot topic."Abema Morning" interviewed what it was.[Video] "Dot Picture" art drawn by 8 years old is the son of artist Emi Kusano, the artist's name "Zombie Zoo Keeper (Zombie Zoo Keeper).Kusano says, I think he's drawing a good picture. I think he's expressing his senses and expressions that adults cannot do, but I think he was really lucky. "When my son told me, "Why don't you admit me?"I can't do it. "
My mother is artist Emi Kusano
Zombie Zoo Keeper -kun, who also acknowledged a part -time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts.When the "dot paintings" drawn with the free iPad app, which were started in the free study of summer vacation, were sold, the adults in the world gave a tremendous price.The most expensive work was worth 1.4 million yen (the market price on the 24th).For the sale of the picture, the topic of "NFT Art" is adopted, so that it is not possible to forgery, a serial number such as an appraisal is attached to the digital art, proving that the digital art is the only one.It is a mechanism.NFT art is sold in auction format, and the currency exchanged is virtual currency.By the way, the first -time picture was about 2,000 yen in Japanese yen.He held the 2,000 yen and first ran to buy a Pokemon card, but this time it was a tremendous amount.
「自分がすごすぎだなと思います。『ポケモンカードなんか安い』と思いますね」とZOMBIE ZOO KEEPER。草野さんは「本人は、上手に絵を描くことがそんなに得意ではないという意識があるんですけど、(挑戦したアートは)ドット絵だったので『描きやすい』と言っていました」と明かす。 ゾンビが登場するゲーム「マインクラフト」が大好きなこともあり、絵のテーマは「ゾンビ」と「生き物」を掛け合わせたものが多く、思いついたら5分程度で書いてしまうこともあるという。 小学生らしいかわいいデザインに独創的な配色が、特に海外のコレクターに受けたようだ。ちなみに、ZOMBIE ZOO KEEPERは、稼いだお金は貯金をしていて、学費に困っている人を助けたいと話していた。(『ABEMA Morning』より)