Spotify also plays.If you touch it with a built-in NFC doll, read music play and story Wi-Fi speaker "JOOKI KIDS"
子供が自分で操作できるってのがミソみたいです。子供に画面付きのデバイスを与えると、ずっと釘付けになってしまいますが、ディスプレイをなくし、Mp3やSpotifyを演奏したり、お話をしてくれる「Jooki Kids」ならその心配はありません。【全画像をみる】Spotify also plays.If you touch it with a built-in NFC doll, read music play and story Wi-Fi speaker "JOOKI KIDS"ユニークなのは、本体にNFCを内蔵した人形を置くことで操作ができる点。トークンと呼ばれるタグ型のNFCでも同じことができます。NFCは再生、停止、プレイリスト変更などの操作が行えます。今は第2世代にアップグレードされ、NFCはプログラム可能でBluetooth接続もあり、親がスマホの専用アプリから細かく設定できるようになりました。
The motivation for development is the struggle of developers who gave a smartphone because they wanted to teach their two daughters for music, but gave their smartphones because they heard everything.The reason is that the children are watching their father's smartphone and cannot communicate with parents and children."JOOKI KIDS", which was born, has won the Innovation Award for CES 2022 and has been created according to the learning guidelines for Montessori education, and has won the MOM'SCE GOLD AWARD Award.If you have this, you will be released from the stress that your child is deprived of smartphones and tablets and cannot be returned, and I think that you can experience the beginning of programming.
The price is token x 2 112.$ 99 (about 13,000 yen), set of token x 2 and doll x 5 139.$ 99 (about 16,200 yen), token x 8 and doll x 5 sets 159.There is an option of $ 99 (about 18,500 yen), and you can purchase additional tokens and dolls for sold separately.Anyway, I want to get everything.By the way, my elementary school student is addicted to it, so I guess it wouldn't work with such a gadget.Source: YouTube (1, 2), Muuselabs Via Mike Shouts
Gennosuke Okamoto