Preface to the Modern Industrial Revolution (part 2) | column | Environmental Business online

Written By notebooktabletphone

Three subjects of public filial piety

2022年02月25日掲載 記事を印刷記事を保存メールで共有

Last time: transferred to the new business phase "Operation 5.0" / postcard (serial first time)

SDGs branded textbooks-according to the "Preface Chapter" of the practice Law of truly solving Social problems and taking into account interests

Serial for the second time. In this chapter, we will start from SDGs and explain how general products and services are branded through history.

Technological Progress and Labor change

The changes that took place in England in the 18th-19th century. It's the industrial revolution.

序章 現代の産業革命(連載第2回) | コラム | 環境ビジネスオンライン

As a result of the invention of the steam engine, the production process has changed in many industries, including the textile industry. This is followed by events that change the social structure of life, mobility and people's consciousness. History is also a technological innovation, which is considered to be a major turning point in the history of mankind.

Another story used in talking about the history of technological innovation is 5th Street in New York at the beginning of the 20th century. Use two photos of what the city looked like in 1900 and 1913 and compare their differences.

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