Ukrainian invasion
The Russian army invades Ukraine.In the United States and Europe and Japan, conflicts are being sharpened, such as determining anti -stuss sanctions.
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深掘り毎日新聞2022/3/6 20:49(最終更新 3/6 21:23)有料記事3135文字Russia has begun to significantly regulate reports on war situation in Japan.On the other hand, Ukraine has a contrasting tactic that actively disseminates information through SNS (Internet exchange service).In the information warfare and psychological warfare, huge IT companies also hold the key.[Jun Kaneko]
"There is an unprecedented information warfare for Japan. It needs a strict law that matches this."
Russian President Peskov emphasized its significance on Tuesday that the revised criminal law, which imposed penalties for "false information" on the "false information", was enacted on the 4th.
According to the revised criminal law signed by Putin, if you spread "obvious false information" that contrary to the explanation of the authorities about the activities of the Russia, the maximum imprisonment of 1.5 million rubles (approximately 1.4 million yen) was sentenced to 3 years in prison.In case of imprisonment and giving "serious results", imprisonment is up to 15 years and fines can be raised to 5 million rubles.Penalties were imposed at a maximum imprisonment of activities that would hurt the trust of the Russia.
Russia's independent media has criticized "War Censorship", but many independent media that have posted information denying the announcement of the Russian Defense Defense has been deleted after the law is established.I'm forced to do it.Since the revised law is also applied to foreign media active in Russia, British BBC and US CNNs have announced that they will suspend their activities in Russia one after another, and the signature of reporters working at the Russian bureau has spread.。
プーチン政権はUkrainian invasionを「キエフで権力を握るナチスト」からウクライナ東部の親露派勢力支配地域の住民を「保護」するための「特別軍事作戦」と主張。政府系メディアでは自軍の戦果や住民への「人道的支援」の様子ばかりが強調されている。
The Russian communication authorities demanded an article that describes the invasion as "war" or "invasion".The pressure is increasing by blocking the websites of independent media that conveys the state of private damage spread in Ukraine in Russia one after another.Some media have been closed.
米国家安全保障会議(NSC)のホーン報道官は5日に声明を出し、Ukrainian invasionを巡るロシア政府の報道規制強化に関して「報道の自由をさらに弱体化させ、偽情報を広めようとしている」と非難した。
However, on SNS ...
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