Speed up copy and paste between devices! Clipboard sharing application "Magic-copy" [Today's life hack tool]
By mastering the clipboard, work efficiency will improve. The universal clipboard app is useful for those who work on various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. Speed up copy and paste between devices! Clipboard sharing application "Magic-copy" [Today's life hack tool] There is a genuine universal clipboard for copy and paste between iPhone and Mac, but it is a little inconvenient when different OSs are used. It is also complicated that the sharing style is different for each application. It would be ideal if URLs and memos could be shared with one tool without hesitation. With the universal clipboard app "Magic-copy", you can copy and paste across devices.
There is often a pattern of doing research on a smartphone and perusing the contents of a web page on a computer as it is. Recently, there have been more opportunities to edit memos input by voice on smartphones on a personal computer. For Windows / iPhone users with different main browsers, I've taken the method of saving web page sharing to Pocket once. On the other hand, when sharing a phrase in a web page, clip it to Evernote. Regarding memos, the sharing method will change, such as sharing with a genuine iOS app. Let Magic-copy take care of all the sharing between these devices. Eliminates the hassle and stress of having to think about which method is best to share each time.
The point is that it is simple to use. When you launch the app, a sidebar will appear on the right edge of the screen on your computer, and if you copy the text, it will be automatically saved in Magic-copy. Save the copied text on your smartphone with the "+" button on the app. Text stored in Magic-copy syncs in near real time (with some time lag) and can be treated as if you were copying and pasting on your device. The sharing process, which used to take a few steps, is now as efficient as launching Magic-copy.
Next page: Save fixed phrases to favorites Last updated: Lifehacker [Japan version]