Representative of Nakai (right) handing a signature for the introduction of a tablet terminal used in class to the person in charge of the Shiga Prefectural Board of Education = Otsu City, Otsu City
The Shiga Prefectural Board of Education, a high school student who will enter the prefectural high school next spring to purchase a tablet device used in class at his own expense, a group made by parents and faculty and staff on the 17th.He submitted a signature of 6760 brushes that appealed to be paid for public expenses, such as "expensive."
The Prefectural Board of Education has shown a policy of starting classes using each tablet device for students at the prefectural high school in April next year, and decided that the terminal will be borne by parents this year.The purchase cost is assumed to be 50,000 to 100,000 yen per person.On the other hand, 18 prefectures, including Osaka, will be introduced at public expenses.
On this day, the signature was submitted by the "Society to introduce a public expense of a one -time high school one -by -one tablet terminal."He started his activities in August and collected 6760 brushes.Members handed a signature to the prefectural office at the prefectural office, and after that, Noboru Nakai said, "Some parents could not give 50,000 to 100,000 yen" and "Many parents did not know their own burden."I asked for a review.
"We are preparing lending terminals for (economically) tough people (economically) preparing lending terminals. We want to keep the burden as increasing as much as possible."The association will continue to sign in the future.