200 employment of TENCENT, open platform content patrol personnel — Payment by QQ Virtual Coin (Q money) | Bridge (Bridge) Technology & Startup Information

Written By notebooktabletphone

China's content patrol enhancement has not shown a sign that it will quickly settle.In the New Year, his social network games, a major social network game giant, announces 200 patrols that filter the content that the authorities are illegal or inappropriate for multiple open -content platforms.Is posted.The target platforms are new sports Tencent News, News Agrygulation app, Tiantian Kuaibao, his message giant, and his QQ, video streaming service, TENCENT VIDEO)Such.

The new recruitment team named "PENGUIN PATROL UNIT" in connection with his cute mascot, is 10 veteran ratives, 70 experienced writers participating in the Tencent content platform, and sufficient cyber security.It consists of 120 Netizens with knowledge.

Jinri Toutiao, a rapidly growing personalized news aggregation app and a rival of Tiantian Kuaibao, has also notified this week, preferably a Communist Party's content review editor.Until now, many university students and workers with high skills have played a role in judging these content to earn additional income.The work time is flexible, despite the tasteful work.According to reports, Toutiao has censorship facilities with thousands of judges in Tianjin.

Penguin Patrol's personnel are required to point out more than 300 unauthorized content every month.Rewards will be paid not in cash or bitcoin, but by virtual currency QQ coin (Q money), which can be purchased by her QQ related products such as game credit.The popularity of QQ Coin, which is traded at one people (about 17.4 yen) per coin, once created the Yami market.

Tencent(騰訊)、オープンプラットフォームのコンテンツパトロール要員を200人雇用——報酬は、QQバーチャルコイン(Q幣)で支払 | BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

As organized news media gradually replaced (socially), Chinese media monitoring authorities are promoting content distributors that create new waves in a more severe self -censor.According to the latest data of Talking Data, Tencent News is the second -largest app in China following his Toutiao, with 17.53 % of his Toutiao, and Tent News is 10.82.%is.Third place is 6.35 % of Netease News, and later, 5.92 % of Yidian Zixun, which receives national support, is 5.92 %.

[Via Technode] @TechNodechina

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