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Helium/hnt, founded in 2013, is a project to build the world's first P2P wireless network.Operates a LORA -based wireless network for IoT (Internet of Things), and users can get tokens as a price.
If you aim to consume a large amount of data by conventional methods and connect the device to the network, you can cost more in cases like a centralized network.However, Helium can dispers the network with its own router and electricity bill.Introducing a Helium (Helium/hnt) that builds a network that combines SEMTECH LORA devices and Helium/hnt distributed open source approaches.
SemtechとはSEMTECH CORPORATION is a major supplier of high -performance analog, mix dosignal semiconductor and advanced algorithm.SEMTECH CORPORATION (NASDAQ) has announced a partnership with Helium and has built a P2P wireless network in developing one of the largest LORA -based networks in North America.Currently, the Helium network is completely compatible with the Lorawan protocol and can be used in the LORA community, an active software developer of more than 8,000 people.
Reference article: Businesswire
WEB2 leading by smartphones, SNS, and clouds that started in 2007.Web3, which has evolved in the 0 era and leads by VR and cloud AI.The era of 0 is visiting.And now, web3.The IoT (the Internet of Things), which leads the 0th era, has grown dramatically to the society and life of people.
IoT (Internet of Things) is a mechanism in which all things around you, such as smartphones, PCs, cars, home appliances, and wearable devices, are connected to the Internet and information is exchanged.It is recognized as a concept of new technical infrastructure in connection with speeding up the Internet line by 5G for the fifth generation mobile communication system that has been put to practical use since 2020.
However, IoT supports the technical infrastructure of the new era, but it is also true that there are many issues.IoT has the following issues:
1.If the security problem with the Internet is connected, it will lead to the risk of being attacked from the outside.These attacks can cause heavy damage to security in places you do not know, such as computer viruses and data tampering.
2.We are concerned about privacy protection because we provide information about ourselves for privacy issues and products.As an example, if your car is connected to the Internet by the IoT, the information about where and where you are running is saved, so privacy information such as the location of the car and the return time from the car.There is a good chance.
3.Energy and power problems IoT devices and most IoT devices in which devices connected to it work are designed in a wireless structure, so "energy and electricity" are indispensable.Power supply to each device is complicated, and high -usability power supply technology is required, so it is an issue to operate IoT devices with minimal power.
While IoT is becoming mainstream around the world, various problems are being highlighted.Helium (Helium/hnt) can solve these problems using blockchain technology, as well as connect to the Internet at a low cost than the conventional IoT environment.
"Helium HotSpot" is the biggest feature of Helium.
Helium's business model aims to build a wireless network, and by installing a hardware router called "Helium HotSpot", users are incentive.You can get it.
Helium hot spot is a P2P wireless network that allows low -power IoT devices to send and receive data with the Internet.Users who own a hot spot can get the "Helium token (HNT)", a native token that provides the public.
What kind of businesses and users can use Helium HotSpot?As I explained a little earlier, there is a native token "Helium token (HNT)" on the Helium network.Hot spots are needed to send and receive data with the Internet and get this token.
Companies, businesses, individual investors and users have a mechanism that allows you to acquire native tokens generated on Helium blockchain by purchasing specialized routers and sharing Wi-Fi connections and networks.increase.
The hot spot uses an open source blockchain technology that allows you to create a comprehensive connection when connected to other nearby hot spots.Each hot spot can cover up to 10 square miles (about 26 mm), so the larger the number of people who invest in hot spots, the greater the network.
"Helium Tabs" uses a simple mechanism for users to freely track things and pets.We will develop the "People's Network", a completely new wireless network that has been specially built for this purpose.This PEOPLE'S NETWORK is currently being deployed in 745 or more, and hot spots are spreading throughout the United States.
As an example, pet collar, bike lacquer, or compatible Internet (IoT) device (IoT) device (IoT) devices can be connected to a hot spot without Wi-Fi or mobile phone, and data to the Internet.
リアルタイムのネットワークはこちらからチェックOn the Helium network, there is a proprietary currency Helium token (HNT) that can be obtained using a hot spot, which is based on the value of the network, and the amount of compensation differs depending on the amount of work executed by the hot spot.increase.
The network work is verified by the algorithm called Proof-OF-Coverage (POC / Proof of coverage).To participate in a POC, you must have at least 300 meters away in the area within each other's range (maximum number of miles is possible depending on the environment).
ホットスポットでトークンを獲得する5つの方法1.Network Data Transfer (Network Data Transfer) Hot Spots use a network to transfer data packets from the device and receive rewards in proportion to the overall share of the transferred data.2.Proof-OF-COVERAGE (proof of coverage) hot spots verify wireless coverage.3.Report the proof and monitoring of Witnesses (Witness) coverage.Four.Proof-OF-COVERAGE (consensus group) hot spot verifies transactions and publishes new blocks.The possibility of participating in this consensus process is based on the reputation score that changes based on the participation of coverage proof.Five.Challenges hot spots are selected to encrypt the message to the target group hot spot via the Internet.These tasks are used to verify wireless coverage by proof of coverage.
Data Credits (Data Credits) is the only way to use it to send data via the Helium network.Users can transfer data byte via Longfi wireless protocol and use data credit as blockchain trading fees.
To get a data credit, a network user needs to replace the Helium token (HNT) or get it from the HNT owner.The HNT replaced with data credit is adopted a mechanism that burns from circulating supply based on the design "Burn and Mint Equilibrium".
In addition, the price of the data credit is fixed in conjunction with the US dollar price, and as well as the prepaid mobile phone call time and the miles of the airline, the data cozlet cannot be transferred, and only the original owner is used. can.
The original currency Helium token (HNT) is listed as a listed candidate for coinbase coinbase coins (coinbase).The coin base, which has listed many currencies as a listing candidate, has become a major fundamental in the market.
Recently, a Helium token (HNT) has been listed on the virtual currency exchange FTX, focusing on derivative transactions (futures trading, optional transactions) established in April 2019.
仮想通貨取引所FTXの登録手順・使い方Helium Blockchain (Helium blockchain) is a new public distributed ledger and is designed from zero to provide an efficient way to run application core log on a Helium network.Specifically, it is a protocol that provides an inomalized additional transaction system that is verified using its own Helium consensus.
In addition to new consensus protocols, Helium blockchain improves network security and encrypts and verifies hot spots that provide wireless devices on Helium IoT devices.-Coverage (POC / Proof of coverage) is used.
By using the Helium Blockchain API (Helium, blockchain, API), you can access the data stored on the blockchain.All Helium mobile wallets and public network dashboards will use this Helium blockchain API.
"Helium Longfi" allows you to transfer data with a Helium network on any Lorawan device, combining Lorawan wireless protocols with Helium blockchain.In short, by combining Longfi and a Helium blockchain, businesses will not require additional later generations or third patties, and can turn on the required number of devices.
In addition, Longfi provides roaming functions and supports micropayment (small payment) transactions, so users do not need to develop gateway or network servers, only pay the connection costs based on network usage fees.As shown in the figure below, Longfi improves the standard Lorawan deployment with the blockchain -based OUI mechanism that enables smooth roaming on all devices.
In addition, Longfi is compatible with existing Lorawan devices and can use the largest and most reliable Lorawan network.All compatible devices can use Longfi to send and receive data through the world's first P2P wireless network, People's Network.
Helium.Image quote from com
Helium has completed funding from world -renowned venture capital (VC) companies, such as Khosla Ventures, Firstmark Capital, GV (formerly Google Ventures), and HSB / Munichre Ventures.