What is "SONICSYNC" development tool that reduces the sound of smartphone games?

Written By notebooktabletphone

How to suppress sound latency (delay) on iPhone and Android smartphones is a very important theme not only in musical instrument apps but also in games.Meanwhile, SonicSync, a technology that makes the latency as small as possible, was released from CRI middleware, a Japanese game development tool maker.


SonicSync itself is a new function included in the commercial system ADX2 used by the game maker, but the ADX2 LE (free version) provided for personal game developers is the same function as the commercial ADX2.Is implemented.

What kind of system is SonicSync, how to achieve a low delay, CRI / Middleware Director CTO, Entertainment Business Division, Atsushi Sakurai, General Manager of the Entertainment Business Division, and Yuichi Yokoyama, Executive Officer., And we talked to three client engineers, Yuji Fujita, online.

CRI・ミドルウェア 取締役CTO エンターテインメント事業本部長 兼 エンターテインメント事業本部 研究開発部 部長 櫻井敦史氏執行役員 横山裕一氏クライアントエンジニア 藤田優治氏