The "Street Fighter" series is not only an opinion leader of fighting fighting games, but also a graphics with its unique taste.Why is it so dark, crisp, heavy and overwhelming?An unparalleled graphics and character art engraving a strong impression on the players.
「ストリートファイターV」アートディレクターの亀井敏征氏亀井氏は「SFIV」と「SFV」という3D化されて以降のシリーズのアートを担当しているe-Sports展開を重視する「SF」シリーズ。「SFV」もその例外ではないOn the fourth day of GDC2017, the session "Art Direction of Street Fighter V: Role of Art in Fighting Games" was held by art director Toshiyuki Kamei, the secret of the graphics of the latest work in the series, "Street Fighter V".。The content of the session was almost the same as what was done at Cedec 2016, but the heat -hearted questions and answers performed after the end were interesting, so I would like to summarize them again.
Kamei is a technical artist who has a 16 -year development experience, and the "SF" series is an art direction for both "SFIV" and "SFV" titles.
The concept of "SFV" is to further excite E-Sports's excitement in the previous work "SFIV".To that end, he thought about what he needed as an art.In conclusion, the key concept was that the battle, which is the core of "SFV", is "easy to see and understand".
Mr. Kamei gave an example here, why is the character of "SFV" so muscular?The reason is to show the strength of the appearance in an easy -to -understand manner, and to concisely convey the painful thing for the same reason.
In a sense, the American animation method represented by "Tom and Jerry" is incorporated, but the reason why it is deformed so far is to tell the player as soon as possible."SFV" changes the battle every moment in 1/60 units, so if you do not convey it in an exaggerated expression, it is not a realistic expression, you can not convey information in an instant.There is even a possibility that it will convey the worst incorrect information.For this reason, art that is easy to understand and convey is important.Kamei developed his opinion, saying, "The only way to feed the information in an instant," and showed his commitment as an art director.
【極端な強調表現】ムキムキのキャラクター大げさな表情それは一瞬で情報をフィードバックするためNext, what is an easy -to -understand art?According to Kamei, it is determined by the character silhouette.Character poses, movement, attack motion.Moreover, it is not objective and easy to understand, but it is judged by the camera in the battle.
Mr. Kamei examined the "easy -to -understand body pose" at the planning stage, and finally arrived at the character design of the dot painting era.For example, in only a few dozens of dots, such as Zangiev's double Lariat and Yun's Masao fist thrust, it conveys in an easy -to -understand manner of what the character is and what attacks are being attacked.
In Capcom, there is an in -house material called "suspicious art dissection", which depicts tips for dropping human body information into dot paintings in an easy -to -understand manner.It was created when we were developing "Street Fighter α" and "Vampire", with a "Vampire Hunter" demitri.The supervision is Akira Yasuda, who is known for the pseudonym of "Akiman", who designed the character of the "Street Fighter" series in the 2D era, and according to Kamei, the know -how of the deformed artists of the dot picture golden era is packed.It is said that it is.
It is clearly explained whether it is better to leave this muscles, whether to omit this muscle, and how to express the upper arm muscles and forearm muscles.In "Street Fighter V", the thickness of the upper arm muscles and the forearm muscle reverses depending on the direction.It is impossible in reality, but it is the correct answer in the art of "SF".
By the way, the initial prototype of "SFV" used a photoral graphics in accordance with the trends at the time, but it was said that the game was difficult to play and the attack was difficult to understand.Kamei seemed to be skeptical at the time, but said, "It was the correct answer with this model incorrectly."
【わかりやすいアートとは?】わかりやすさの基準はキャラクターのシルエットユンの正拳突きは、わずか10ピクセルに凄まじい情報を込めているあきまん氏監修の「怪しい美術解剖図」リュウの腕はよく見ると、見る位置によって筋肉の太さが逆転している実際の人間との比較。ずいぶん違うリアル重視のプロトタイプは、速攻でボツになったWhat was very unique was the height episode.In advance, there is no height setting in the character setting, but it is determined by the impression during the battle, more specifically, the main character Ryu (175cm) is determined based on the standard.
For example, Vega is generally a style that crosses both arms and looks down on Ryu, but the impression is that Vega is larger because "Vega is not bigger if you look down".Vega was set at 182cm in the 2D era, but it seems to exceed 2m lightly when it stands upright, but the actual CG tool is the same size, and it adopts an approach to fine -tune the final size from
【キャラの身長は、バトル中の印象で決める】リュウとベガは、ベガのほうが高いが、これは設定的にベガがリュウを見下ろさなければならないという理由から来ているCG上はまったく同身長2D時代もしっかり立たせるとベガは2メートルを超えていたAnd "technique" that is indispensable for fighting games.Here too, the commitment like "SF" is packed.The technique of "SF" contains multiple information in each one.There are three types: "martial arts", "weight and rhythm of techniques", and "performance as a technique", including hitting judgments.
After satisfying the above elements, further "understandable" is required.In "SFV", tricks were used to realize this ease of understanding."SFV" has 2D fighting, but graphics use 3D data.Taking advantage of this mechanism, all characters are actually slightly facing the camera.The angle is 5 degrees.It is said that this is a magical angle, and by turning it five times, it is determined.
Kamei showed a shot showing the character from the front in a view for debug mode, but he was twisted strangely in reality.In a 3D game that can rotate 360 degrees, it is a way to draw NG in one shot.However, this is the correct answer in case games.
【キャラクターは5度ずらして表現】各キャラクターの技はひとつひとつこだわって作られているキャラクター表現におけるマジックワード「5度」実は「SFV」のキャラクターはすべてカメラ方向に5度向いているベガザンギエフレインボーミカSo what will happen to critical arts (super special moves)?Mr. Kamei explained that the detailed expressions were "intentionally incorporated an easy -to -verbalization element that can be explained by one thing," as a local area of easy -to -understand.
Specifically, Laised's critical arts are "Aladdin", "Genie", Lara's critical arts are "Electric Biribiri", "Sonic the Hedge Hog", Rainbomica's critical arts are "ass sand", "double hip attack."Ryu's critical arts, such as "chin destruction" and "Uncle Kusha", is moving in a simple phrase element.
By the way, this is the tradition of the "SF" series.In this way, it would be easier to convey to third parties, and it would be easier to get interested.
【クリティカルアーツはワンフレーズで表現できるわかりやすさ】ラシードのクリティカルアーツララのクリティカルアーツレインボーミカのクリティカルアーツリュウのクリティカルアーツThe processing of the backstage is actually through the philosophy of "easy -to -understand".Traditionally, in the "SF" series, the characters are drawn in full -color and the background is dark -limited color, and this device attracts attention to the battle stage.
In the "SFV", the color grading (MCG) of "Unreal Engine 4" is adopted in accordance with the evolution of the times, and the implementation results are turned on and intentionally darkens the background.If you turn it off, it will be an accurate graphics, but the light blends into the character, reducing visibility.By the way, this MCG has four tables on the left and right and perspective, and can be used individually even in cases where situations such as indoors and outdoors change significantly in the left and right perspective.
【背景処理】「ストリートファイターゼロ」における背景処理。実はキャラクターと背景で、使用している色階調の領域が全然異なる「SFV」でも、あえて色階調補正を行なうことで視認性を確保している色階調補正では、このような極端な補正も可能As I mentioned earlier, "SFV" is a 2D fighting game as a game design, but the actual graphics are drawn in 3D, so they are restricted by 3D graphics.In "SFV", it has caused a huge problem because it is dropped into 2D.Specifically, the more the character goes to the end, the more distorted and fat.As a result, not only the appearance changes, but also the collision becomes difficult to understand, which hinders a fighting game.
In order to solve this problem, "SFV" is solved using a shader of Fix Project, which eliminates the horizontal angle of view.However, if the angle of view is completely eliminated, the three -dimensional effect will disappear in the 2D itself, so the final implementation is performed in half and half, and the three -dimensional effect is balanced.By the way, the specification of Fix Project is different in the character and the background, and while the character is weak and emphasizes accuracy, the background is stronger and emphasizes power.It can be seen that the visuals of "SFV" have been created by the invisible struggles.
【3Dグラフィックスならではのゆがみの補正】3Dゲームでは、端に行けば行くほどキャラクターが歪んでしまうそこでFix Projectionと呼ばれるシェーダーを使って画角をなくしてしまう完全に無くすと立体感も犠牲になるため、最終実装では上手くブレンドするこの処理はキャラクターと背景でも調整が異なるAnother theme "Art to take advantage of individuality" presented by Kamei in this session.This story was also quite interesting.
As mentioned earlier, the "SFV" graphics were determined at an early stage to go in the direction of non-fitorial (NPR, Non-Photoristic Rendering) instead of photorial.It's not just a matter of ease of understanding, but the illustration is pushed out from the first "SF" to the front, and if the graphics become real, the balance is lost overall.。
The final graphics direction of "SFV" has been decided to go with rich writing and oil.The specific method is composed of three elements: touch expression, edge emphasis, color and saturation control.
The expression of the touch is to incorporate a touch like a brush picture that was adopted in "SFIV".In "SFIV", the trace of the brush was reproduced by hanging a photo shop on the texture of the normal map, but in "SFV", the resolution of the normal map texture increased and the same method could not be used.Therefore, "SFV" was solved by introducing the plug -in "Snapart4" for Photoshop.
【タッチの表現】筆のタッチをCGで表現する前作「SFIV」のアプローチ「SFV」ではノーマルマップの解像度が上がって同様のアプローチは使えなくなったため、SNAPART4を採用タンジェントスペースをオブジェクトスペースのノーマルマップに変換「SFV」の筆のタッチNext, the emphasis of the edge is processed as a post effect, and the color difference is further attached to a place where the color difference is clear.An easy -to -understand example is the contour line of the character, but it is actually applied to the entire screen, and the normal map further linked to an oil -like touch and an improvement in
【エッジの強調】色の差が明確な場所に色を載せるエッジフィルターオフとオンの違いイラストならではの“謎間接光”をゲーム内で際限する試みThe third is the control of the color and saturation.In a nutshell, this is an indirect expression, and the illustration of the "SF" series has an indirect light that is impossible in the real world, which gives a strong impression on people as art.It is an attempt to reproduce it in the game.
The basic processing is performed in two stages: an indirect writing cache (ILC), a basic function of Unreal Engine 4, and a real -time processing by middleware enlighten specializing in indirect light.If the ILC is a groundwork that is in line with the actual writing, enlighten processing can be an artistic grant and a color that has nothing to do with the basic light.
【色と彩度のコントロール】間接光の際限は2段階の処理で行なわれているわかりやすさを追求したアート哲学質疑応答に答える亀井氏As a summary of the session, Mr. Kamei repeats the content of the session, saying, "The art of fighting games is a ruthless element to feed back the battle information in an instant."There is. The only thing that can be feedback instantly is the art, and the art of the fighting game, which ensures easy to understand and expresses the individuality, is hot, and gathered great applause.
After the session, as of Kamei's fever, many audiences had a question -and -answer session and continued the questions and answers until the management side was stopped.In the following, I would like to summarize the questions and answers.
――What kind of ingenuity do you do in the cinematic (cut scene)?
Kamei: In the cinematic scene, if you use the silhouette as it is, the scale will be strange, so I keep my hands a little smaller and keep my head.
――Are there any tips about the shadow of the character?
Kamei: As for the shadow, it is not a picture -like impression if you drop it black, so it is important to add the color and characteristic colors.
――Nekari and fans have the impression that the silhouette of the character is blurred, but is it intentional?
Kamei: Nekari was a little bit nervous, but rather had an edge.The fans are Chinese, and the silhouettes that emphasize the characteristic kimono silhouette and Chinese people.The two characters that could not be emphasized by the model silhouette are complemented by the characteristic movement silhouette.
――How are Nekari's V trigger expressing easy -to -understand?
Kamei: Because the hair is in the way, it expresses that the hit is irrelevant so that it can be seen as an effect without giving a three -dimensional effect.
――How do you decide the fighting style of each character?
Kamei: At first, the director has decided.He also enters himself as an art director and decides whether he can go with that combination.The tradition of the "SF" series is to shuffle the country and martial arts.Japan, karate, Ryu.Spain, Ninja, Barlog (laughs).
――When adding a new character, what do you distinguish from existing characters?
Kamei: I try to prevent existing characters and silhouettes.If you do the same, the old character will die and you will not be able to appear.
――The new character has new power, why is it?
Kamei: The place where the new character uses special movements and abilities is that when you design a character based on V trigger in "SFV", it is inevitable to use a little new power and the power you have never seen before.A place that comes out.
――In the process of evolving from “SFIII” to “SFIV”, the graphics became 2D to 3D, but is that the decision because of the need for art, or the upper layer is unilaterally as “3D”.Did you decide?
Kamei: Ono (Mr. Yoshinori, "SF" Series Executive Producer) (laughs).
――What are the reactions for fans?
Kamei: Ono and producers have never done it.
――Is there a copy of the “suspicious art dissection”?
Kamei: I was asked in Japan, but there is no copy.Perhaps it can be published on the blog called "Shadleou Research Institute".This blog has introduced more than 200 characters so far.When you return home, we will consult if you can publish it.(Inside applause)