Will AWS PRIVATE 5G eliminate the job of an engineer?Explanation of what can be done | And engineer

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What is AWS Private 5g?

AWS (Amazon Web Service) announced on November 30, 2021 at the company's event "AWS Re: INVENT 2021" is attracting attention.

"AWS PRIVATE 5G" is a new managed service that allows you to set up and expand "private 5G mobile network" in corporate facilities in just a few days.

Now that business model innovation is shouted, the introduction of 5G has attracted a lot of attention as its infrastructure, but it is a high -load wall related to its introduction and construction.Under these circumstances, AWS's "AWS PRIVATE 5G" can be one of its powerful solutions.

[Reference]: Press Release AWS Announce AWS Private 5g

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"AWS PRIVATE 5G" can be said to be "our own wireless communication cloud service".There is no wireless license, and there is almost no initial investment, so you can quickly build a private wireless communication environment.Mobile communication operators are not directly involved in the AWS PRIVATE 5G service.

According to AWS's announcement, the use of "AWS PRIVATE 5G" does not need to take a few months to build a private mobile communication network and expand, and it takes only a few days.

There is no need to spend time on the plan for building infrastructure, integrate complex networks, or make a high initial investment, so you can use all the superior mobile technology.

For companies that are considering the introduction of the next network 5G, it will be a truly ideal service.

"AWS PRIVATE 5G" is not disclosed which career is working together.There is also speculation that Verizon, a US newsletter who has concluded AWS and PARTNERSHIP and has collaborated and provided PRIVATE MEC for companies, is involved.

However, Verizon's CEO Hansvestberg states that there is a possibility of participating in AWS PRIVATE 5G as needed in the future.For this reason, "AWS PRIVATE 5G" does not depend on a specific carrier and may be developed as a service that can select a career.


Below are the benefits of "AWS Private 5g".


As mentioned above, "AWS Private 5G" is a very good service for performance, ease of introduction, management, control, availability and expandability.

5g that I can't hear from people now

Did you understand the outline of "AWS PRIVATE 5G" announced by AWS this time?Before you know what the appearance of "AWS PRIVATE 5G" has the effect of "AWS PRIVATE 5G" and how it has a corporate activity, let's check again about 5G.

5G is read as "Five Ji" and is an abbreviation of "5th Generation" and refers to the "5th generation communication standard".

Before the fifth generation, there are communication qualifications from the first generation to the fourth generation, so I will explain these first.

▪ 1G: This is an analog mobile phone communication standard that appeared in the 1980s.▪2g: In the 1990s, it shifted from analog communication to digital communication and was used for Internet connection.▪3G: Appeared in the 2000s, communication speed improved, and Internet connection with mobile devices has become commonplace.▪ 4G: A communication standard that appeared in the 2010s.Furthermore, the communication speed has been increased, and the rise of 4G -compatible smartphones has greatly improved the convenience of life and business.

Next, 5G appeared in the 2020s, but mainly for 5G

(1) Large -capacity communication can be performed at high speed ② Reliability of communication increases due to low delay ③ Many devices can be connected at the same time.

It has such a characteristic.

With 4G, smartphones have become indispensable to life and business due to their convenience, but with the spread of 5G, "Internet of Things) has become even more widespread, and our lives are fundamentally changed.To go.In cooperation with AI, it can be realized such as automatic piloting cars and automatic examinations.

Here, let's compare the difference between 5G and 4G.

Item 4G 5g communication speed (maximum) 1Gbps 20GPS Simultaneous connection device 100,000 units/㎢ 1 million/㎢ Delay speed 10ms1ms

In this way, 5G is an overwhelming performance of 20 times the communication speed of 4G, 10 times the number of simultaneous connection devices, and one -tenth delay speed.

With 5G, network devices will be able to control almost in real time, and linking with AI will greatly improve their accuracy.

I will organize the merits of 5G once again.The advantages of 5G can be roughly divided into the following three.

■ Improvement of communication speed and improvement of comfort

By using 5G, the speed of Internet communication is dramatically improved, and the part where the communication speed was a bottleneck due to business, daily life, entertainment, etc. was resolved, and work speed, convenience of daily life, and comfort.And so on.

■ Improvement of reliability due to low delay

With 5G, it can be expected that communication delays will decrease to about one -tenth of the conventional communication.A significant decrease in communication delays means improving communication reliability.

For example, in the remote medicine world, when performing surgery by remotely operating surgical robots, communication delays may occur in patient life.In situations where the postponement is not allowed, 5G, whose communication delay decreases significantly, will demonstrate its power.

In addition, the unmanned driving of cars and the practical use of unmanned taxis are being promoted, but the spread of 5G will further enhance its safety and move forward for practical use.In this way, 5G has the potential to greatly change society itself.

■ Increase the number of simultaneous connection terminals

The limit of the 4G environment lies in the restriction of the number of simultaneous connection terminals in addition to the communication speed.Due to the increase in IoT devices, some places and areas have been tightened to the Internet line.By setting 5G, the restrictions on the number of simultaneous connection terminals will be greatly resolved, and the evolution and expansion of IoT will make our lives and business environment more comfortable.

There are three types of 5G provision: public 5G, local 5G, and private 5G.

Local 5G is a network that companies and municipalities build it independently, but it is necessary to apply for a license for a wireless station and the hurdle is high.

Public 5G is a wide -area service provided by telecommunications operators such as docomo, Softbank, and au, and has begun in March 2020.

Private 5G is a managed service provided to companies and local governments by telecommunications carriers, and in Japan, SoftBank will start specific initiatives for commercialization in 2022.

Networks were used in various fields, such as home work, online classes, and food delivery in Corona.However, the introduction and spread of 5G are expected to make further changes.

Public 5G greatly expands the possibilities of autonomous driving and remote medicine.In the entertainment field, it is said that combining VR and ARs enhances the reality of remote play and remote watching, and leads to major innovation.

With private 5G, you will be able to work freely without choosing time or place, and increase corporate activities and improve efficiency.Remote is common in business negotiations, business trips, and meetings, and the conventional business style will disappear.

More detailed AWS Private 5g

So far, I tried again about 5G to deepen the understanding of "AWS PRIVATE 5G", but let's take a closer look at "AWS Private 5g".

The current enterprise (company) network has received various restrictions due to the increase in demand for users, devices and applications that use networks.

We are facing a situation where it is forced to take advantage of the response due to increased communication traffic, compression of network capacity, increased control load, and security risks.

As a solution, the construction of a private 5G network is effective, but the hurdles are high, the initial costs are enormous, and it takes more than a few months.

To meet this client's needs, AWS has created a new "AWS Private 5G" service.The time required for the client's 5G network is shortened from several months to several days, so that the number of devices connected to the network enables quick scale -up and scale down, so that you can use the models of on -demand cloud charges you are used to as it is.I did.

Thus, by removing the hurdle of the introduction of private 5G networks at a stretch, AWS has unified cloud services and network services and provided a path that can be provided as an all -in -one service.The future will be attracting attention as a service that enhances the advantage of AWS as well as corporate benefits.

"AWS PRIVATE 5G" is still in Private Preview, but you can accept applications from the following official website.However, it is limited to U.S. AWS Cloud users, and Japanese users are not yet available.The users who have used it are also imposed strict confidentiality, and the impressions of using it cannot be disclosed outside, and documents related to "AWS PRIVATE 5G" are still private, so the details are still in the secret veil.It is lazy.

[Reference]: AWS Private 5g Preview

In Japan, the development of private 5G services has not yet been set up.Softbank has announced that it will open a research facility in 2022 for commercialization of private 5G.

KDDI has already launched a pioneer of private 5G, which combines "au 5G network" and "AWS Wavelength".

In the future, it is expected that competition for providing private 5G services will intensify with DOCOMO.It is undecided which career will be partnered in Japan in Japan or to all three major companies, but as the movements are embodied, the full content of the Japanese version of "AWS PRIVATE 5G" will gradually become clear.Yes.

Pay attention to the future and as an engineer in AWS Private 5G

The AWS PRIVATE 5G service area is limited to the United States so far.However, 5G is not an extension of 4G.5G has the potential to change business and life itself.

The systems and applications we are building will change from 5G.This time, I mentioned 5G as an example of "AWS PRIVATE 5G" article.Let's keep an eye on the trends of 5G.