Rakuten Mobile, Rakuten UN-Limit VI and iPhone 13 Series set up up to 20,000 points.

Written By notebooktabletphone



"IPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 points reduction campaign" that returns up to 20,000 points

楽天モバイル、Rakuten UN-LIMIT VIとiPhone 13シリーズのセット購入キャンペーンを開催最大2万ポイントを還元

 Rakuten Mobile has launched the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 points reduction campaign on December 17. At this time, the end of the campaign has been undecided. In this campaign, the price plan "Rakuten UN-Limit VI" and the iPhone 13 series are purchased (new contract), and when certain conditions are met, "Rakuten Points" for a limited time (6 months expiration date). It will be returned. The given points vary as follows depending on the contract content.・ MNP from other companies (excluding the transition from Rakuten Mobile's MVNO service): 20,000 points ・ New contract (new call number new allocation), transition from Rakuten Mobile's MVNO service: 10,000 Point Campaign No entry However, it is necessary to meet all the following conditions by 23:59, the month after applying for a plan and purchasing the terminal.・ Start using Rakuten Un-Limit VI ・ Call for 10 seconds or more in the “Rakuten LINK App”, if you purchase the target product by applying the “Rakuten Mobile iPhone Upgrade Program”, [Rakuten UN- Limit VI Application Benefits] Anyone can get 5,000 points additional because the 5,000 points gifts are used together.


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